[Study] MDAX 60 Startup and innovation monitor: mm1 presents a comprehensive overview

Die mm1 DAX 30-Studie hat bereits gezeigt, dass zahlreiche Startup- und Innovationsprogramme existieren. In einer neuen Studie haben wir nun untersucht, welche der 60 MDAX-Unternehmen, die nach den DAX 30 die größten börsennotierten Unternehmen in Deutschland darstellen, derartige Programme aufgesetzt haben. Dazu wurden die verfügbaren Geschäftsberichte der MDAX-Unternehmen (Stand: Juli 2019) untersucht und zusätzlich umfangreiche Internetrecherche betrieben.

Only 27 of the 60 MDAX companies offer startup and innovation programs

Only just under half of MDAX companies offer start-up and innovation programs that are externally aligned. For comparison: For DAX companies, this ratio is 90%. It is true that the MDAX has other topic-related activities such as internal idea competitions (eg Fly Your Ideas from Airbus) or the digitization platform Open Space from Schaeffler. However, there are only 44 programs in about a third of the 60 companies in the MDAX for initiatives that focus on including external startups and innovation activities. These programs are divided into 9 incubators, 15 venture capital programs and 20 accelerators.

Compared to the 30 DAX companies, the MDAX portfolio offers a wider range of older and younger companies. With innogy (2016), Delivery Hero (2011), Zalando (2011) or Rocket Internet (2007), the MDAX includes participants who are often referred to themselves as startups or have the corresponding characteristics. Explicit startup and innovation programs may (still) be less relevant to these companies. However, compared to the DAX30, there is still room for improvement in terms of startup and innovation programs across all companies. Rocket Internet and United Internet are an exception and provide startups with this opportunity as part of their core business.

The graphics for the MDAX 60 and DAX 30 startup and innovation programs are here available for free download.

Matching the swift implementation of business ideas, you can request the mm1 Lean Startup Poster, the mm1 Corporate Lean Startup Poster and the mm1 Design Thinking Poster for free.

Air upward!

The number of startup and innovation programs does not allow any direct conclusions to be drawn on the innovative strength or innovative success of the companies. For example, an excellently run program can be more valuable than three programs that are not well implemented. However, the figure of 55% of MDAX companies without a program shows that there is still room for improvement.

If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Jens Lehnen: j.lehnen(at)mm1.de.

The graphic for the MDAX 60 Startup and Innovation Programs can be requested here for free.

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