Agile Development

Solve large tasks in small steps - an agile process is not only useful in software development  

Competitors are entering the market with new offerings in short intervals, and customers are becoming increasingly demanding. As a result, development cycles are becoming increasingly shorter, and development projects must be able to handle short-term changes in requirements. The triumph of agile methods began in software development, which had always faced these challenges. Currently, the focus is on scaling and expanding agility throughout the entire organization and its service provision.


Although there is no one-size-fits all solution, companies can learn agility. mm1 provides support with well-founded best practices.

  • We introduce agile development methods and concepts to our customers with a particular focus on sustainability.
  • We help companies holistically transform into agile organizational structures (e.g., using the SAFe framework) without losing sight of the entire corporate culture.
  • We help seamlessly integrate suppliers and their individual development models. 
  • We synchronize the often-needed and useful "waterfall world" with agile service providers

During execution, mm1 uses a wide array of practical experience from various industries along with well-founded, certified knowledge on established agile methods and frameworks such as scrum, scrumban, SAFe or less.

For us, agile organizational development means working together with clients to create a structure–by introducing comprehensible methods and streamlining processes–that makes employees happier and, at the same time, ensures a sustainable increase in the speed of innovation.

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