Bosch Connected World 2020: mm1 takes part in the leading conference on IoT and digital transformation

Laurenz Kirchner, Partner bei mm1 und Leiter der Sustainability Practice wird als Jurymitglied während der Bosch Connected Experience und als Panel-Teilnehmer während der Bosch Connected World vor Ort sein.
Laurenz Kirchner has helped to curate the “Tech4Climate” category for the BCX Hackathon. He will be present at BCX from February 17 to February 19 as a jury member for this sustainability-focused price category, evaluating hack teams based on impact, novelty and solution approach.
Laurenz will represent the BCX Hackathon participants as a panelist at Bosch Connected World on Thursday, February 20 from 3.20 - 3.50 pm on the topic: Bringing together politics, industry and start-ups to implement Tech4Climate.
Tech4Climate takes a deep dive into CO2 and climate change. A special focus will be on how new and potentially disruptive technologies can help to minimize climate change and its impact.
Please find more information about BCW and tech4climate here:
mm1 is the Consultancy for Connected Business. Let’s meet at BCX and BCW!
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