mm1 was given the "Best Consultant 2020" award for the fifth time

mm1 zählt laut dem aktuellen Branchenreport von brandeins und Statista zum fünften Mal in Folge zu den besten deutschen Unternehmensberatungen. mm1 wurde ausgezeichnet in den Kategorien Technologie & Telekommunikation und Innovation & Wachstum. Wir gratulieren unseren Mitarbeitenden zu diesem tollen Erfolg und danken unseren Kunden und Marktbegleitern für das positive Feedback!
Which we are particularly proud of: In the consulting field of innovation and growth, we are again among the consultancies with the best client ratings.
The "Best Consultant Award" from brand eins and Statista is considered one of the most prestigious business awards in Germany. To achieve incorruptible results, 1,500 managers from large, medium-sized and small companies are surveyed on their satisfaction with real projects. In addition, more than 1,800 partners and principals in management consultancies are surveyed; self-recommendations are excluded. As a result, less than two percent of all consultancies in Germany receive the award "Best Consultants".
The industry report "brand eins" will be available from 13 March 2020 in magazine stores and online at