According to the current industry report by brand eins and Statista, mm1 is once again one of the best German management consultancies in 2024. We are pleased about the award for example in the sectors Technology & Telecommunications (3rd place!) and Insurance as well as automotive & suppliers.
According to the current industry report by brand eins and Statista as well as the magazine FOCUS BUSINESS, mm1 is once again one of the best German management consultancies in 2021.
5G wird häufig als Motor der Innovation bezeichnet, weshalb die deutschen Telekommunikationsanbieter seit Juli 2019 mit großen Anstrengungen den Netzausbau vorantreiben; für mm1, als führende Beratung für Connected Business, Anlass zu untersuchen, wie sich die Top Telekommunikationsunternehmen in D/A/CH hinsichtlich des Netzausbaus, innovativer Anwendungen, der Vermarktung in Stores und der Tarifportfolios unterscheiden.
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Data-to-Value according to mm1 successfully supports companies on their way from data beginner to data master. To find out where you stand, request our method poster right here!
According to the current industry report by brandeins and Statista, mm1 is among the best German management consultancies for the fifth time in a row. mm1 was awarded in the categories Technology & Telecommunications and Innovation & Growth. We congratulate our employees on this great success and thank our customers and market companions for the positive feedback!
Laurenz Kirchner, Managing Partner, is heading mm1’s sustainability practice. Laurenz will be on site as a jury member during the BCX Hackathon and as a panel participant at Bosch Connected World.
Der aktuelle Hype um Agilität scheint grenzenlos zu sein. Dabei ist Agilität kein Selbstzweck. Vielmehr bietet sie einen Lösungsansatz zur digitalen Transformation von Organisationen.
mm1 ranks again among the best german consulting firms and was awarded the "Best consultant 2019" prize from business magazine brand eins in the categories of Technology & Telecommunications along with Innovation & Growth in the current industry comparison.
mm1 ranks among the best German consulting firms and was awarded the "Best consultant 2018" prize from business magazine brand eins in the categories of Technology & Telecommunications along with Innovation & Growth in the current industry comparison. As such, mm1 obtained the seal for the third time in a row.