[Poster] Application of innovative methods

mm1 shows companies the right approach with design thinking, lean start-up and agile scaling.

The methods of Design Thinking, Lean Start-up and agile scaling can help companies in their product development process to adapt to the fast moving and dynamic nature of today's markets. Although many companies are already using these innovative methods, they often fail to fully exploit their potential. mm1 has developed a graphic that takes into account the initial situation for the use of each of the three methods, and describes the goals of the methods and their processes. The graphic gives companies a better understanding of the correct use and interaction of the three methods.

The correct application of the methods Design Thinking, Lean Start-up and agile scaling helps companies to take a closer look at market requirements or customer needs, to increase creativity in solving problems and to learn from mistakes and experiences within shorter development cycles. All three methods focus on different goals. The methods can only be applied correctly if the initial situation is precisely recorded and the problem is defined.

The following processes are shown in the graphic:

  • Initial situation and goals: For each method, the framework conditions and the intention of the method are described.
  • Process phases of each method: Each of the three methods consists of a series of phases that are run through from start to finish within the project. These phases cannot be abbreviated and build on each other. Intermediate results are produced, which are shown in the diagram for each phase. 
  • Decision paths according to each method: After passing through the process phases, the result is checked and a decision is made as to whether the process must be run through again or whether the method result is sufficient.  
  • Official decision gates: The decision gates mark the moments in the process when other stakeholders and knowledge holders outside the product development team can be involved in evaluating the results.
  • The interaction of the methods: The three methods can be used consecutively in a product development process, whereby the results of each method build on the initial situation of the other method.

Our method poster for the three innovation methods is available for free