Case Studies
Data Thinking,
Analyzing traffic flows using the mobile network
Building a geo-marketing platform for traffic and flows of movement based on anonymized radio cell data
Initial situation and problem
Strategic decision for building a new big-data business field based on anonymized mobile network data.
- There is no clear privacy framework regarding the usability of data
- High system architecture requirements due to large amounts of real-time data, a multitude of data sources and real-time anonymization
mm1 approach and solution
- Involve key internal and external stakeholders at an early stage to clarify legal conditions
- Develop an iterative process model based on a minimal viable system and determine the investment case
- Manage the project and direct the design and construction of the back-end architecture for real-time anonymization and data enhancement
- The system architecture has been coordinated with and approved by the BfDI (Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information)
- The "minimal viable system" for ensuring time to market has been specified within budget limits
- Successful market launch of the platform for the development of the new business area
Case Study
Digital Transformation,
Financial Services