Digital Innovation
Whether it’s for services, in the automotive industry or machine tool maintenance: There are greater requirements for offered services in the digital, interconnected world. Revenue models are changing, and digital platforms are becoming increasingly more important. Well-conceived value propositions, services that function smoothly and scalable solutions are catching on. An exceptional user experience, a reasonable degree of automation and a meaningful payment model are all equally important success factors for digital offerings.
Connected business champions make successful digital offerings, but this success does not come overnight.
Analyzing traffic flows using the mobile network
Smart Home: Optimizing the customer experience through organizational transformation
From the sensor to the cloud: Productization of IoT offerings in a batch process
mm1 was given the "Best Consultant 2019" award for the fourth time
mm1 ranks again among the best german consulting firms and was awarded the "Best consultant 2019" prize from business magazine brand eins in the categories of Technology & Telecommunications along with Innovation & Growth in the current industry comparison.
Design Thinking
From user needs to prototypes and success in innovation
Platform Thinking
Less capital investment, greater value creation through digital platforms